The Top Ten Revision Techniques You May Not Have Tried Yet

Student revising

Here, I don’t want to dive into the full-on super serious revision techniques. You can check out my essential revision resources list for that.

What I want to show you are my top ten quick-fire revision techniques for improving your ability to revise which maybe you haven’t tried yet. My aim? To make your exam revision just that little bit easier.

Top Ten Revision Techniques – Quick Fire


Use Times New Roman in your typed notes. Apparently it’s the fastest to read and provides less stress on your brain.


Positive thinking. Which thought’s going to make you more productive a) “I’m never going to understand this it’s impossible” or b) “I find this topic a challenge but I know if I mastered this first section there’s nothing stopping me from doing the rest.” Don’t be your own worst critic because let’s face it, you’ve got enough on.


Flashcards that are written in a way someone else can help you. It’s great to have flashcards written with codes, squiggles and underlines that only you know. But, how powerful for your memorising if there’s a set where you have to say answers out loud to someone quizzing you.


Calming sounds. Some people find music a help (I find it confuses me and I start writing down lyrics) but if you find revision stressful and get stressed your brain is not going to remember as well. Try classical music or sounds like rain, the sea and swirling winds too. If it seems stupid. Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it.


Do some kinetic learning. And by this I mean memorise whilst moving around. You don’t have to jump on a treadmill and run 10K but studies have shown incorporating movement, like walking, whilst trying to revise helps you retain information and keep calm.


Try the one hour rule. Improve your chances of recall by looking at your notes one hour after you’ve written them.


Create visual associations in unusual places. You’ve probably got a bed or desk covered in papers and post-its. You’re more likely to remember that key date if it’s on a pink flashcard in the fridge or the yellow flashcard with the quote on next to the teabags.


Write what you think as well as what’s being said. Don’t just parrot out what you’ve read or re-write your notes out hundreds of times. You don’t know how the exam question will be phrased. You don’t want a blind panic because you only know how to answer a question about the Russian Revolution in a specific way. By understanding the information rather than just memorising it you will be able to adapt and overcome on the day.


Be honest if you don’t understand something. Don’t waste hours trying to learn a concept in five books or pages or notes that don’t make sense (and didn’t at the time either!) Ask someone to explain it to you again. It’s ok.


Use the ‘Generation Effect’ – you can commit information to your memory much easier if you talk out loud than just keep writing things down. Find out more about this in my previous post.

I hope you enjoyed these top ten research techniques and that there were a few you hadn’t come across. If you have any techniques that work well do share them in the comments below and don’t forget to check out these essential resources if you’re studying GCSE History to take you to the next level.

As ever, if you have any subjects you would like to see covered get in touch I love to hear from you.

Catch-up soon


Why do we Procrastinate and How can I Stop?

Empty page in writing pad

Why do we procrastinate is a perfect topic right now. It’s dreary beyond belief out of the window, set to rain all day and a Star Wars marathon on the couch is extremely tempting. But, I know deep down what I’m really doing, despite their potential for developing Britpolitics, is procrastinating and lacking motivation for the tasks in front of me.

What is procrastination?

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines procrastination as ‘to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring.’

This is entirely true.

When it came to studying, I put off revision countless times on subjects, like maths, because I hated them. But, what it leaves out is fear.

Part of my loathing for maths was that I found it incredibly hard. I thought I would get it wrong, be humiliated, and ultimately fail all my tests. So, fear is a major source of procrastination and for many, its intensity goes beyond ‘unpleasant.’

Fear will cause us to never start writing that dissertation in case its rubbish, not bother doing that assignment or turning up to that exam because you won’t pass anyway. All of these are forms of self-sabotage wrapped up with a procrastination bow.

In terms of motivation, when we procrastinate it zaps all of our energy. The emotion, intensity and guilt you put into procrastinating over studying often far outweigh doing the unpleasant or boring task or facing your fears. But, I’m thinking like me, you know the theory and what would really help are some practical tips. Am I right? Well, here goes.

6 Top Tips to Stop Procrastinating

One  – Don’t break off for anything (and I mean anything)

Get rid of distractions – switch your phone notifications off, close your tabs and go to full screen. Then, use the time you have to full effect. You can set a timer or try the Pomodoro Study Technique to give you a structure. Unless it’s a major emergency, do not leave your chair or your keyboard and do not let your mind wander into other tasks. Naturally, when we procrastinate, you will tell yourself something else is more important. Take a breath. Acknowledge it isn’t true and keep going right through to completion. If you can, fully complete the task you are procrastinating about otherwise it will be waiting for you next time and you’ll start the process again.

Two – Create the right environment

For reasons I do not understand I cannot work on a Saturday. I procrastinate, have zero creative ideas, my words don’t flow and I even clunk my way around the keyboard more than usual. So, unless urgent I don’t bother. I also don’t bother around 3:00 pm, I can’t work in slouchy clothes or without make-up on and I’ve never been an all-nighter student. Being a classic introvert, I can’t work around lots of people (a busy coffee shop – seriously!) or noise. But, chances are a) you think I’m a bit weird and b) you’ve got your own set of quirks. Analyse the environment you’re currently trying to study in. Assess it under noise, distractions, light, hot/cold, time of day, location, desk set-up and personal comfort. Is your environment helping you or hindering you?

Three  – Start small and do the thing you fear the most first

Just a little nudge can start the ball rolling when we procrastinate. Don’t think, I’ve got to write twenty pages today maybe start with completing a paragraph (never the opening one) on a part you find easier. Another great tip is to start a mind map – pick up a pen and just get ideas going away from your computer screen.

And, do the thing you fear the most first. If it’s mind-numbingly boring stick some music on and set a deadline, if it’s unpleasant there’s a comfort to be found on the side of resolution or if it’s scary then I believe you can’t have exhilaration without pushing through fear.

Four – Know when you’re hiding

Recognise procrastination when it’s in front of you. For me, it was, and still is, research (and making cups of tea).

Research can be never-ending therefore it is the perfect place to hide when something’s a bit scary or feels out of reach. Use the ‘just in time’ method. What do I need to know or do right now so I can start and what, if I’m truly honest can wait until later?

Five – Ask for help

Sometimes the best antidote to procrastination is to be open about it. Don’t suffer in silence and end up wasting a lot of time. If you’re procrastinating because you find a study task hard ask for help, join a study group, talk to someone or get involved in an online forum for a cathartic rant and tips.

Six – Use the best memorising techniques for you

If you’re finding revising your notes difficult and nothing seems to be going in there is every chance you will get disheartened, put it in the ‘it’s really hard’ box in your mind and give yourself a one-way ticket to procrastination. Remember, everyone learns and memorises information differently. Don’t force yourself into a style of revision that doesn’t suit you or come naturally.

As always, I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments below or you can find me on Instagram @elizabeth_britpolitics or on Twitter @_Britpolitcs.

Catch-up soon.


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How I’ve been reminded what getting ready for University really means

getting ready for university

I recently asked people who had studied at university, ‘What’s the one thing you couldn’t live without or made life easier when you were a university student? I even shared this oh so bad (pre-fixed teeth and everything) graduation picture for a laugh and to say thanks.

I told them, for me, apart from a bottle of Spar Valencia white (sorry Mum) it was a wall planner, memory stick and a thick dressing gown that covered my bum on the way to the shower rooms.

The comments I received were things like:

  • “Having support when being away from home is a must”
  • “I printed lots of pictures of my family and friends and put them in frames/put them on the wall”
  • “I put something up that reminded me of why I was at university, many times I thought ‘why am I doing this?”
  • “I brought my duvet from home it was very comforting to have something old and homey in all new surroundings”
  • “Keeping a good relationship with your professors makes them more likely to be understanding in situations where you might not be able to finish an assignment due to personal problems.”
  • “It was and still is talking to my family about everything I did that day.”

I forgot being ready for University is more than just having a car crammed full of stuff

At the same time, I had created a new resource called ‘What to Bring to University: The Ultimate Packing List’ and had fun reminiscing about fairy lights, thermos, laptops and massive launderette bags. But, these comments made me take a step back.

I realised that of course there is a need for practical useful things like Toasted Sandwich Maker’s to make life less stressful (and save money), but I had forgotten about the emotional side of leaving home and starting University. I had forgotten that you will likely be away from your family and friends for three years, where you probably know no-one (a total nightmare for the introverts amongst us), in a new town or city. Even for the ‘toughest’ 18-year-olds, that’s a big change.

Looking out for student’s mental well-being will benefit everyone

Recent tragic news stories have shown us cases where universities have let their students down.

I’m pleased a real debate has started about the responsibilities on places of education for the welfare of their ‘adult’ students. It’s a difficult balance to make but human beings, with all their human-being stuff going on, attending university are more than a list of grades for a league table to be noticed a few hours a week. And anyway, it makes absolute sense that being mindful, and assisting where necessary, the mental well being of your students will help them achieve their academic potential or find their true path along a different route.

If you’re starting, or at, university it is an amazing, unique experience but just remember it’s OK to struggle, it’s OK to find it daunting. But it’s not OK to suffer in silence and fail to reach out and ask someone for help.

As always, I’d love to know your thoughts or about your experience starting university in the comments below or you can find me on Instagram @elizabeth_britpolitics or on Twitter @_Britpolitcs.

Catch-up soon.


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Writing Tips for Beginners: 7 Ways to Stop Self-Sabotage

studying self-sabotage

You need to recognise the signs, get out of your own way and stop self-sabotaging your academic and professional writing.

Does this scenario sound familiar? You’ve got your #studygram worthy desk set up and a large, caffeine-serious drink. You’re writing an essay, political article, blog post or chunk of your dissertation.

What should be a pouring out of ideas and knowledge is more like an annoying dripping tap.

You stop. You look at your phone. You start.

You stop again and then decide what you’ve written is crap.

I’ve been writing as a student of politics and professionally for over twenty years.

I can tell you that self-sabotage is perfectly normal but it needs to be kept in check so you don’t get totally derailed and defeated.

I will share with you seven things you can do right now to tackle self-sabotage but first we need to go deep…. Ready?

In full disclosure, some of the links are Amazon affiliate links, which means at no cost to you I receive a small commission to put back into the site. I only ever recommend products I believe will be helpful to you. 

Identify your Inner Critic. Give it a name and have a chat.

Sounds strange I know, but you need to know the cause of your self-sabotage.

The only way to do this is to acknowledge it’s there and what it truly is.

Although this blog title says ‘7 Ways to Stop Self-Sabotage’ in all honesty you will not stop you inner critic from popping up forever because, well, you’re human.

If you’re doing something that makes you emotionally vulnerable, say it has an uncertain outcome, then self-protection will kick in. It will do everything it can to stop us from doing it.

A favourite method for self-protection is to use the inner critic. Common reasons I hear all the time are:

• I’m not good enough
• I don’t know enough to write this now
• If I only had more time/the right set-up/one more book I could do it. If procrastination is the consequence of your inner critic try Anti-Procrastination Mindset: The Simple Art Of Finishing What You Start (paid link)

Or perhaps this is you?

• You’ve been putting things off because it’s a) hard b) compulsory or c) the best of a bad set of question choices
• You’ve chosen the wrong subject so what’s the point?
• You’re struggling with productive time management and distractions.

The trick is to acknowledge your inner critic, even give it a name, and learn not to listen and push on anyway.

If you acknowledge where the self-sabotage is coming from you can begin to address it and if you need some tough love I recommend Stop Doing That Sh*t: End Self-Sabotage and Demand Your Life Back from straight-talking Glaswegian Gary John Bishop.

But, be honest. If the issue is emotional don’t think getting a new desk lamp so you can write in an evening is the answer. You need to dig deeper for the truth.

“You Can’t Have Exhilaration Without Fear”

I love this saying.

Self-sabotage manifests itself into fear, anxiety and then procrastination.

It could be the fear of failure, the anxiety of possible rejection or the fear of people knowing how well or not you did?

But you can only succeed and do well if you do something. If you don’t write and submit your dissertation you fail anyway.

I spent the first year of university thinking I shouldn’t be there.

My A Level results were not great. I didn’t make the points I needed and it took two nerve-wracking days before they let me in.

Four years later I was stood on a stage in a cap and gown with a Masters Degree in Diplomacy.

I don’t say this to boast, just to say what’s possible. My inner critic popped up all the time (and still does) but I pushed through the fear and just did it anyway.

7 Top Tips to Stop Self-Sabotaging your Work

ONE. Be imaginative with your approach

You could create an outline first rather than feeling the pressure of the perfect opening paragraph. You could start on a section that really interests you, gain some confidence and move on.

TWO. Acknowledge where you are in your journey

Emulate don’t copy. You’re in the library surrounded by serious resources. But, do not measure yourself against these if you’ve just started out at A Level politics or history or at university. Yes, aspire to produce the best but you can polish later. These books, often co-written and traditionally published had a team of editors behind them not to mention the years of experience of the writer themselves – that’s why it’s a textbook on your recommended reading list! Don’t get intimidated because it’s say a ‘university essay’ – yes, research beforehand, but then just write what will be your original work.

THREE. Don’t be a perfectionist – Ignore the typos and just keep writing.

I know you’re on a noble quest to create perfectly constructed, slickly argued, pithy sentences. But, you’re never going to get your word count off single digits if the editing side of your brain challenges every turn of phrase. It will also block your creativity, the ability to get what you know out of your head, stop you being productive and allow time for your inner critic to surface. Don’t lose that spectacular argument or feeling that it’s all coming together because you had the wrong ‘their’ or ‘your’ and just had to go back and correct it. If you’re really struggling with this one try dictation.

FOUR. You can’t edit a blank page

Ok, this is clichéd. But, you need to give yourself the mental freedom to write crap. You can rework crap, you can learn from crap, you can scrap crap because it will always be crap but a) you might just having something b) you don’t know it’ll be crap unless you write it.

FIVE. Don’t hide behind research

Recognise procrastination when it’s in front of you. For me it was, and still is, research. Research can be never-ending therefore it is the perfect place to hide when something’s a bit scary or feels out of reach. Plan your research using the ‘just in time’ method. What do I need to know right now so I can start and what, if I’m truly honest can wait until later.

SIX. Don’t break off for anything (and I mean anything)

If you can’t quite remember that quote or how to spell someone’s name put your best guess and move on. Do not look it up. Just keep that pen or your fingers moving even if you’re writing ‘I don’t know what to put next’ twenty times stay in the flow. And, get rid of distractions – switch your phone notifications off, set a timer or try the Pomodoro Technique to give you a structure. I love the book Reset: Building Purpose in the Age of Digital Distraction by William Treseder. He examines how we’re all drowning in information in the digital age.

SEVEN. Appreciate your critical skills at the right time

This doesn’t apply to any negative emotions but if you’re naturally a critical thinker use it at the right time. Make your work the best it can be with genuine editing, polishing and seeking out better quotes and references if you think it will enhance the final piece.

Good luck and catch-up soon


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If you want to manage change, ask ‘who moved my cheese?’

Desktop scene

Described as one of the most successful motivational books ever, Who Moved My Cheese: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life (paid link) may be small but it packs a powerful punch about managing change. 

My dog-eared copy is getting battered, the corners are turning as yellow as a mild Dorset Cheddar (Ok, no more cheese references) because I’ve had this book for years and read it dozens of times.

So, why do I keep returning to a book about two mice ‘Sniff’ and ‘Scurry’ and two Littlepeople ‘Hem’ and ‘Haw’ who put their jogging suits on every morning to run through a maze in search of cheese? Because Dr Spencer Johnson successfully tells in 95 pages what some will waffle on about for hundreds. 

The maze, like life, is a labyrinth of corridor some of which contain cheese. But, there are also dark corners where you can get lost. 

To navigate their way, Sniff and Scurry keep things simple whereas Hem and Haw use their complex brains and emotions. This sometimes makes things more complex and daunting.

They both find a massive stockpile of cheese at Cheese Station C, but one day it runs out. 

Sniff and Scurry had seen it coming. They were ready. They adapted. Haw was shocked and Hem shouted ‘It’s not fair – who moved my cheese. 

The Cheese for them had become a safe place. It had become so important they couldn’t let it go and kept returning to the Cheese Station expecting things to be different. 

While Hem and Haw were deliberating on the injustice of it all, Sniff and Scurry found Cheese Station N – the biggest they had ever seen.

What this motivational book teaches me

Dr Johnson wrote the book to help him deal with a difficult life change. For me, it gives these lessons:

• Change is inevitable; nothing lasts forever
• We all need to find a way out in changing times
• Don’t get too comfortable or stuck
• Be open to new ideas and keep a check on your emotions
• Don’t be blind to what’s going on around you – adapt when you see something happening
• Change = great opportunities (if you stay open minded)

Some people think this book is childish. But, in the end, if you allow yourself, you will identify with one of the four characters.

When my instincts are as off as a Blue Stilton week’s past it’s shelf life (sorry, I lied) I use this book as a motivational kick.

I ask myself a) which mouse or littleperson am I and b) ok the cheese is moving again – are you ready? What are you going to do about it?

If you’re feeling a bit stuck, or don’t quite understand your reaction to something then I urge you to give it a try.

Catch-up soon


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P.s There’s also a teen edition of the book which some of you might want to check out? (paid link)
In full disclosure, some of the links are Amazon affiliate links, which means at no cost to you I receive a small commission to put back into the site. I only ever recommend products I believe will be helpful to you. 

Five Top Tips to Prevent Overwhelm

Clipboard scene

It’s 9:33am. I currently have eight tabs, five documents, three email accounts, two browsers, two clouds and one diary open. I’m feeling paralyzed by information overwhelm and anxiety.

Stacks of notepads, papers and random stuff that seem to breed and grow overnight surround me.

Amongst the stuff, I’m staring at my screen doing absolutely nothing. A strange paralysis has gripped me.

The light from the screen is making everything blurry.

I’m compulsively looking at the clock on my phone.

I have no idea why I’ve done this ten times.

I guess I feel like the time is ticking away until nursery pick-up and I’m doing naff all.

Experience tells me that in a few hours time I will be beating myself up for not accomplishing much in the precious time I had today to work.

I’m getting flashbacks to being sat in my University library politics section doing exactly the same thing.
I’m surrounded by books, notepads and photocopied journal articles looking at the clock (there was no phone, because I’m that old people)

I know the theory:

  • Write your list of priorities the night before (tick)
  • Start with the hardest thing first (tick)
  • Have a working environment with limited distractions (tick)

So why am I being so unproductive? Fear? Possibly, I’ve started some new creative projects. Tired? Yes, but I have a toddler so hey I’m always tired. Procrastination? Definitely. Maybe?[amazon_link asins=’1683641612′ template=’ProductAd’ store=’elizabethblog2019-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’a62f55b3-ee54-4edc-aa6a-8032fdcd0efe’]

So, in response, I’ve opened a word document (oh yes, another one) and started to write this blog. Why? Because my story of being overwhelmed may be familiar particularly if you’re juggling multiple subjects, up to your neck in flashcards or trying to digest arguments, remember facts and memorise quotes all at the same time.

Below are the five things I’m working on every day, take a look as with practice they may be your solutions too…

My Five Top Tips For Preventing Overwhelm and Anxiety

ONE. Just Start Small

You are one person and you do not have limitless brain capacity. So, just do that really small thing to push things along. When I say small, I mean tiny. Send an email, open a new folder titled ‘The UK Constitution’, sketch down some sub-headings or order a pack of flashcards. These small steps will propel you to feel like you’ve started. This is especially important if you find something hard (hands up for political theory – anyone? OK, it can’t be just me.) For weeks I was afraid to do my first post on Instagram. It was new, I was in the images, I didn’t understand the rules, would Britpolitics (and me) look like amateurs if I used the wrong hashtags?

Then I thought ‘**** it, just post something.’ I did one post the best I could. I’m not saying I went viral, but I did it. The relief from my procrastination was fantastic.

TWO. Just Prepare

What does the first 100 seconds of what you need to do look like? Packing a bag and sticking it at the bottom of your bed? Leaving a book open on the right page? Booking marking a website? Getting a desk ready with a cup and teabag in it?

This mini-prep will help to prepare your mindset. You won’t wake up with a blank canvas. What you will have is a visual reminder of what you need to do.

THREE: Just Step Away from the To-Do List

But saying that, don’t be ruled by a to-do-list. It helps but also stifles creativity.
When the list tells me I have to do something I just don’t want to do it.
Of course, you can have a massive list, which allows you to pick and choose but I’m trying to occasionally put down the list and do what I want to do. Where will your creativity take you?
Don’t want to research about the power of the executive today then do a mind map about whether the United Nations is toothless or not? For this to work you need time on your side. A pressing deadline takes away choice. But, where creativity is felt – the to-do list can wait.

I challenge you to put the list down and just do what you want to for a few days. See what happens?

FOUR. Use the ‘Just in Time’ Principle

I don’t know where this originated but credit to you because it has been a real game-changer for me.Developing Britpolitics is 90% self-taught but I was getting way too far ahead of myself.

I was listening to podcast after podcast, watching YouTube video after YouTube video, SkillShare class after SkillShare class. I was doing it because there are so many great learning tools out there and it excites me, but it’s the wrong thing to do.

The just in time principle makes you ask yourself what do I need to know right now? And then you just focus on that. So powerful, right.

So, I needed to know all about Instagram and Pinterest, all about blogs and about email marketing. I kept my focus there and saw massive results on progress and my sanity levels. So, ask yourself what do you need to know right now and what can wait?

FIVE. Just Switch Off Those Notifications

I spend 5% of my time actually phoning anyone on my phone.

The other 95% is Text, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Podcasts, YouTube, GoogleDrive,  Google Calendar, Notes, Internet, News Feeds, Twitter, Pinterest, MailChimp, GoodReads, DropBox, MS Word, Photos.

The whole theory of ‘leave your phone in a drawer and look at it once a day’ is unthinkable. My phone is my work; how I organize myself, connect with people and in part my entertainment. But what I have done is:

Turn off notifications, no pings, no alerts and no sliding messages. It’s a distraction and a major cause of overwhelm. I also went crazy retro. I got a watch and used it for telling the time. Looking at my phone for the time was too tempting.

Also, someone once told me ‘email is sent at their convenience to be opened at yours.’ I try to not let emails and messages control my actions, my time and me. It’s great to hear from people but by not replying instantly I take back control and lessen the distraction on things that need to be done. I also give a more considered and thoughtful reply.

So there are my five tips. Hey, I don’t do this all the time. It’s a challenge but I’m working on it. I hope it can help you too.

I’d love to hear your top tips for managing feelings of overwhelm. Leave a comment below or drop me a message.

Catch-up soon


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P.S Looking for more top tips. Click here for my FREE writing guide. It gives you more on how to stop procrastination and overwhelm holding you back. Check it out!
In full disclosure, some of the links are Amazon affiliate links, which means at no cost to you I receive a small commission to put back into the site. I only ever recommend products I believe will be helpful to you. 

Did the time management Pomodoro Technique boost my focus and productivity?

the pomodoro technique

OK, here goes. I’m going to use the time management Pomodoro Technique to research, write, edit and upload this blog. Will it make me focussed and productive? I’ll see you on the other side…[amazon_link asins=’0753548380′ template=’ProductAd’ store=’elizabethblog2019-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’0f321245-7d5c-439c-b923-c21cdea375a9′]

(1hr and 20 minutes later)

Francesco Cirillo invented this world-renowned method when he was a university student looking for ways to save time.

But it wasn’t just about saving time.

He wanted to improve his productivity and efficiency.

He wanted to get better results with less time and less effort.

I’m thinking what’s not to like here?

So, I’m putting Cirillo’s method to the test by using it to write this blog about, you’ve guessed it, the Pomodoro technique.

Firstly, here’s how it works?

1. Choose a task requiring your full attention and that maybe you’ve been putting off for a while (we all do this!)
2. Set a Timer or Pomodoro for 25 minutes
3. Get to your task, uninterrupted, until the alarm goes off. If something pops into your head, write it down but then get straight back to it
4. When the alarm goes off – put a tick next to where you got to and be pleased with yourself
5. Take a mini-break – say five minutes – walk around, grab a cuppa, make a quick phone call then settle back down.
6. Every fourth time take a longer break. 20 or 30 minutes will give your brain a rest and opportunity to recharge.

My Review

Did the Pomodoro Technique work?

In full confession, as I wrote this the latest Brexit fallout was happening so I kept my phone on for alerts and was popping down ‘tweet latest twist’, which I did in my break, as well as making a cup of tea of course #compulsory.

It felt quite an unnatural way for me to work. It was oddly physically uncomfortable for the first 25 minutes. I felt like I was being held down in my chair or at least being told to.

The 25 minutes felt like a week and the five-minute mini-break like five seconds. I had to force myself back behind my desk and told myself I wasn’t allowed to look at anything else.

But, these restrictions did keep me working on this blog, consistency is important to me and I needed to get it finished.

Amazingly I resisted the urge to look at my email account and Instagram notifications until I pressed the publish button.

Would I use this time management technique again?

Yes. With practice I think the strange physical sensations and feeling of being told what to do by a clock would diminish.

I didn’t get to the longer break but I can see how you would need one after doing four 25 minute sessions on the same thing.

Also, the technique made me realise my breaks are too frequent and too long. I’m not very mindful of my time then wonder why it’s disappeared.

If I keep going with a single piece of work my creativity and flow begin to emerge in both my thoughts and in my writing.

I also felt a sense of accomplishment that I’d done it and could move on.

I felt positively productive and that I had a tangible answer to ‘what did you finish today?‘ rather than the usual one of ‘well, I dabbled in an out of a bunch of stuff.’

Who could benefit from using the Pomodoro Technique?

Anyone trying to:
• Complete a task on a deadline
• Tackle feelings of stress and overwhelm. Click here for my five top tips to manage overwhelm
• Pull together an outline for an essay, dissertation or exam question
• Do a task they don’t really like – Hi there procrastination!
• Write a comprehensive list
• Work through their thoughts and different arguments on a topic
• Really grasp a topic they’ve been struggling with
• Detach themselves from their phone…I’d love to know how this technique worked for you.

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